Top Social Media Statistics And Trends

Half of Millennials trust influencers’ product recommendations

In a twist of trust worthy of prime-time consideration, 50% of Millennials place their faith in social media influencers’ product recommendations, surpassing their trust in their favorite celebrities, which stands at 38%.[11] The key driver behind this trust? Authenticity: An impressive 88% of Millennials say they value authenticity in the influencers they follow—laying out a clear framework, rooted in relatability and sincerity, for marketers to follow.

3.8 million posts on Instagram had the hashtag “ad” in 2021

Instagram saw an impressive uptick in ad content in 2021, with 3.8 million posts worldwide donning the #ad hashtag—a significant 27% hike from the 3 million reported by the social media platform in the previous year[3] and a clear sign of its evolution as a key player in the digital advertising world.

Influencer spending hit $4.14 billion in 2022

Influencer marketing took a quantum leap in 2022, as expenditure in this realm skyrocketed to $4.14 billion.[3] It’s an impressive number, marking an increase of around a billion dollars from the previous year’s numbers. With this kind of trajectory, the future looks bright for influencer marketing.

The minimum average cost of a sponsored YouTube video with 1 million views is $2,500

On the YouTube sponsorship landscape, 2022 saw an average minimum price tag of $2,500 for videos garnering over a million views. Videos that racked up between 500,000 to a million views came in at a more modest $1,105—and a more hefty average maximum price of $16,234.[3]

The minimum average cost of an Instagram post with 1 million followers is $1,200

Influencers on Instagram with over a million followers saw their star power translate into posts that fetched an average minimum price of $1,200 in 2021. Macro-influencers (with followers ranging from 100,000 to a million), meanwhile, settled for a lower average minimum cost of $185 per post, with potential to escalate to an average maximum cost of $2,500.[3]

The minimum average cost of a Tik Tok post with 1 million followers is $1,034

TikTok mega-influencers, with a fan base of over a million followers, commanded an average minimum price of $1,034 per video. Macro-influencers on the platform, with followings of between 100,000 to a million, saw a lower average minimum of $151 per post, with the possibility of netting an average maximum of $793.[3]


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