Today marks the relaunch of Bloomberg Businessweek, designed to meet the needs of today’s global business and finance audience with multiple daily, weekly, and quarterly touch points. Keeping Bloomberg Businessweek’s immersive, award-winning journalism at its heart, the brand is evolving with more global resources, multiplatform access, and a cleaner, easier to navigate design.
The new Bloomberg Businessweek leverages the unmatched power of over 2,700 Bloomberg journalists and analysts across more than 120 countries to give readers a complete world view. The brand now includes a reimagined print magazine with three editions (Asia, Europe, and the Americas), plus a brand new suite of digital products: a redesigned app with daily content, customized by region; a revamped; a new regionalized email newsletter, “Daily IQ”; and digital access to multiple Bloomberg Businessweek events per year. With an elevated and more consistent design cross-platform, Businessweek’s premium journalism shines through.
Bloomberg Businessweek is shifting to a two-tiered membership model: Digital Only, which includes access to the app, Daily IQ, unlimited access to Businessweek content online, and and 6-8 special issues a year delivered digitally; and All Access, which grants all digital benefits plus the weekly print magazine, quarterly conference calls, and digital access to events with Bloomberg experts and business leaders. A metered paywall is now in effect for Businessweek content online and readers without membership will have access to four free stories per month.
As Bloomberg Businessweek editor, Megan Murphy, shares with readers:
Welcome to the new Bloomberg Businessweek.
Over the past six months, we’ve been working behind the scenes to improve one of the best-known brands in global business.
For 88 years, Bloomberg Businessweek has covered the companies, people, and products that have shaped and reshaped the world’s economy. As the business landscape has evolved, so have we. More than ever, our readers need journalism to be more authoritative, more urgent, and more indispensable. We need to take you to where today’s events will be tomorrow’s trends. And we need to do more to help you to cut through the noise to better understand the dynamics that are disrupting the way we work and live.
You’ll see this reflected in this week’s magazine, with its sharper storytelling, cleaner and more consistent design, and richer graphics and photography. The new Bloomberg Businessweek is more global, with American, European, and Asian editions. We’ve revamped our sections so you can easily find the stories you are looking for on business, finance, technology, economics, and politics. And at the back of the magazine, we’ve introduced Pursuits to help you live a better life away from your desk, with advice on travel, food, art, and more.
Online, we’re launching a suite of digital products you can access wherever you are and whenever you need them. These include:
>A redesigned app featuring a curated selection of daily content, customized for readers by region;
>”Daily IQ,” an email newsletter delivering analysis and insight from senior Bloomberg Businessweekeditors worldwide directly to your inbox each afternoon;
>A revamped vertical on, with fresh stories, a sleeker design, and easier navigation;
>Digital access to Bloomberg experts and business leaders at Bloomberg Businessweek events.
The new Bloomberg Businessweek is designed to make your reading experience clearer, more enjoyable, and more useful to you, across all of our platforms.
One thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to outstanding journalism. We know that if you don’t believe in our stories, it doesn’t matter how we present them or on which device.
Great stories have always been at the heart of Bloomberg Businessweek. They continue to motivate us, to inspire us, and to push us to dig deeper each day.
We hope you enjoy the new Bloomberg Businessweek. Let us know what you think.
Megan Murphy
Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek